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The Ad Hoc Tick Bourne Disease Action Committee held a meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at the C.H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.

PRESENT: Mark Alexander, Kirk Blanchard, Pat Boily, Neil K. Chowdhary, David Delia, Dr. Robert Grossman, Kim Harrison, George Miller, Mary Gaudet-Wilson, and Maggie Shaw.

ALSO PRESENT: David Shugarts and Paul Magniafico.

CALL TO ORDER: Dr. Grossman called the meeting to order at 7:50pm.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: There was a correction to the minutes of the meeting of 9/10/09. David Shugarts should not be listed as a committee member. Mr. Blanchard moved to accept the minutes of September 10, 2009 with the correction. Mr. Boily seconded the motion. ALL IN FAVOR.

There were corrections to the minutes of 9/23/09. David Shugarts was listed as a committee member and should not have. Maggie Shaw wanted the phrase “incident reports” changed to “surveillance reports” and that the number of 4,000 should be noted as approximate and/or close to. Mr. Alexander added several points that he made and wanted them added to the minutes. Added: “Mr. Alexander distributed copies of several studies of on the four poster device. Mr. Shugarts handed out several reports from other towns who have been involved with the deer issue, Dr. McCloud suggested Dr. Rick Osfield as a speaker. Mr. Dehelia suggested Dr. Telford as a speaker and generally suggested were speakers on animal rights, what other towns have done and Dr. Kilpatrick.”  Ms. Gaudet-Wilson moved to accept the minutes of the September 23, 2009 meeting with corrections. Mr. Alexander seconded the motion. ALL IN FAVOR.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. Kirby Stafford will be here next week at this time and there will be coverage in the Newtown Bee. He will talk for up to one hour and may stay longer. The committee would have question rights first then the members of the public.  There will be an informational talk on Lyme Disease on October 6, at The Candlewood Inn, between 7:00 and 9:00 pm with Dr. Daniel Cameron and Dr. Steven Phillips.

OLD BUSINESS: Dr. Grossman suggested that the committee break up into sub-committees to discuss ticks incidents, lyme, and deer and meaningfulness of the surveys inform him on the work in these studies. Ms. Harrison said that this maybe somewhat premature. The committee should hear some of the speakers first.

NEW BUSINESS: Maggie Shaw passed out copies of 2 tick surveys one from 2007 and one from 2009. Dr. Chaudhary asked if the rate of 96% for infected ticks in Newtown was accurate. Ms. Shaw said that Dr. Eva Shoppe, a researcher for the University of New Haven did the tests twice because the rate was so high. She also said that tests were done to distinguish which diseases the ticks are carrying such as Babesiosis. Ms. Shaw also noted that a test of Bartonella was forth coming. Mr. Alexander spoke of a test that was done in August 2009 in which 38% of the ticks tested in Maryland, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island were infected with the Barellia. Dr. Stafford was one of the authors of this study and it was done by a tick drag. Ms. Gaudet-Wilson asked about standardized testing from lab to another. Mr. Boily asked if it would be appropriate to send the Newtown study to Dr. Stafford ahead of time so he can look at it and answer questions about it. General consensus was that it was appropriate.

Methods of testing were discussed. Ms. Harrison said that the results are atypical to this area. Ms. Shaw said that the study was done in the fall and there would be a higher adult tick population and higher results in infections. She explained the differences between the adult tick and the egg stage, nymph and larva stages and how each carry the disease.

Dr. Grossman suggested that the committee prepare questions based on the manual. Mr. Alexander   proposed that questions be sent ahead of time. Dr. Chaudhury said that the impact of deer vs. motor vehicle is not relevant yet. Mr. Blanchard disagreed. Dr. Grossman read the charter and Dr. Chaudhury withdrew his statement. Ms. Shaw added that the deer impact the ecology of the forest destroying the under story. Dr. Grossman said that they have to put everything together and make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen and ultimately the town.

Discussion then turned back to the speakers and to what kind of time limit they should have. Dr. Grossman said that he would contact Dr. Kilpatrick and ask him to come to a meeting. Also mentioned as possible speakers: Dr. Telford, Dr. Osfeld and Donna Colbert, Health Director for the Town Of Newtown.

Dr. Chaudhury asked what is the town doing already to prevent Lyme Disease. Ms. Shaw said that the town is cutting brush around the perimeter of the schools and putting down woodchips. They are also using bait boxes and spraying chemicals. Ms. Harrisson said that  Amy Mangold. Director of Parks and Rec. Department for the Town of Newtown, should speak to the group about what her department has done to the public parks and sports fields. Ms. Shaw said that a parent whose child has an IEP because of the effects of Lyme Disease. She also added that this is a public health crisis.

Dr. Grossman spoke about the number of people who come into the Emergency Room in accidents caused by deer. Mr. Alexander and Mr. Shugarts discussed deer culls, hunting and sharp shooting. Dr. Grossman said that maybe the groups recommendation to the Board of Selectmen would be lowering the deer population. He also said that there is a budget of $10,000 to pay for the speakers travel expenses and fees.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on October 7, 2009 , same time. Please arrive by 7:45pm to avoid being locked out of the library.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Alexander made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Boily seconded the motion. ALL IN FAVOR. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shirley A. Paproski
Shirley A. Paproski, clerk